Callas Adjustable Portable Laptop Table, Bed Table, Notebook Stand, Laptop Standing Desk, CA6-Black

  • Elegant Portable: Very attractive design and finish. Legs can be folded completely to make it highly portable
  • Strong and adjustable: Vertical Extension of Legs and Angular Adjustments (0-30 degrees) of Top, it has Soft Notches given on one side of flat-top to prevent things from rolling down when tilted
  • Compatible: Size and strength ensures that all Laptop Models can be mounted on it, separate place to keep mouse with mouse-pad
  • Cleanliness and anti dust: Smooth Top can be wiped with moist Clean Cloth without damaging the top


Tech Hindi Gyan

I am very active on social media like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. I like to write on my blog in my spare time (https: //www.techhindigyan is the name of my blog), interested in reading politics and technical news.

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